kibom (KiBoM variant style)

The Config field (configurable) contains a comma separated list of variant directives.
-VARIANT excludes a component from VARIANT.
+VARIANT includes the component only if we are using this variant

  • comment : [string] (default: '') A comment for documentation purposes.

  • config_field : [string] (default: 'Config') Name of the field used to classify components.

  • dnc_filter : [string | list(string)] (default: '_kibom_dnc_CONFIG_FIELD') Name of the filter to mark components as ‘Do Not Change’. Use ‘_kibom_dnc’ for the default KiBoM behavior.

  • dnf_filter : [string | list(string)] (default: '_kibom_dnf_CONFIG_FIELD') Name of the filter to mark components as ‘Do Not Fit’. Use ‘_kibom_dnf’ for the default KiBoM behavior.
    Use ‘_kicost_dnp’’ for the default KiCost behavior.

  • exclude_filter : [string | list(string)] (default: '_mechanical') Name of the filter to exclude components from BoM processing. Use ‘_mechanical’ for the default KiBoM behavior.

  • file_id : [string] (default: '') Text to use as the replacement for %v expansion.

  • name : [string] (default: '') Used to identify this particular variant definition.

  • pre_transform : [string | list(string)] (default: '_null') Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters. Use ‘_var_rename’ to transform VARIANT:FIELD fields.
    Use ‘_var_rename_kicost’ to transform kicost.VARIANT:FIELD fields.
    Use ‘_kicost_rename’ to apply KiCost field rename rules.

  • sub_pcbs : [SubPCBOptions parameters] [list(dict)] (default: []) Used for multi-board workflows as defined by KiKit. I don’t recommend using it, for detail read this.
    But if you really need it you can define the sub-PCBs here.
    Then you just use VARIANT[SUB_PCB_NAME] instead of just VARIANT.

  • variant : [string | list(string)] (default: []) [comma separated] Board variant(s).