Files copier

Used to copy files to the output directory. Useful when an external tool is used to compress the output directory.
Note that you can use the compress output to create archives

Type: copy_files

Categories: PCB/docs, Schematic/docs


  • comment : [string=’’] A comment for documentation purposes. It helps to identify the output.

  • dir : [string=’./’] Output directory for the generated files. If it starts with + the rest is concatenated to the default dir.

  • name : [string=’’] Used to identify this particular output definition. Avoid using _ as first character. These names are reserved for KiBot.

  • options : [dict] Options for the copy_files output.

    • Valid keys:

      • download : [boolean=true] Downloads missing 3D models from KiCad git. Only applies to models in KISYS3DMOD and KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR. They are downloaded to a temporal directory and discarded. If you want to cache the downloaded files specify a directory using the KIBOT_3D_MODELS environment variable.

      • files : [list(dict)] Which files will be included.

        • Valid keys:

          • source : [string=’*’] For the files and out_files mode this is th file names to add, wildcards allowed. Use ** for recursive match. For the output mode this is the name of the output. For the 3d_models is a pattern to match the name of the 3D models extracted from the PCB. Not used for the project mode.

          • source_type : [string=’files’] [files,out_files,output,3d_models,project] From where do we get the files to be copied. files: files relative to the current working directory. out_files: files relative to output dir specified with -d command line option. output: files generated by the output specified by source. 3d_models: 3D models used in the project. project: schematic, PCB, footprints, symbols, 3D models and project files (KiCad 6+).

          • dest : [string=’’] Destination directory inside the output dir, empty means the same of the file relative to the source directory. Note that when you specify a name here files are copied to this destination without creating subdirs. The project mode is an exception. For the 3d_models type you can use DIR+ to create subdirs under DIR.

          • filter : [string=’.*’] A regular expression that source files must match. Not used for the project mode.

          • save_pcb : [boolean=false] Only usable for the 3d_models mode. Save a PCB copy modified to use the copied 3D models. You don’t need to specify it for project mode.

      • no_virtual : [boolean=false] Used to exclude 3D models for components with ‘virtual’ attribute.

      • dnf_filter : [string|list(string)=’_none’] Name of the filter to mark components as not fitted. A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill.

      • download_lcsc : [boolean=true] In addition to try to download the 3D models from KiCad git also try to get them from LCSC database. In order to work you’ll need to provide the LCSC part number. The field containing the LCSC part number is defined by the field_lcsc_part global variable.

      • follow_links : [boolean=true] Store the file pointed by symlinks, not the symlink.

      • kicad_3d_url : [string=’’] Base URL for the KiCad 3D models.

      • kicad_3d_url_suffix : [string=’’] Text added to the end of the download URL. Can be used to pass variables to the GET request, i.e. ?VAR1=VAL1&VAR2=VAL2.

      • link_no_copy : [boolean=false] Create symlinks instead of copying files.

      • pre_transform : [string|list(string)=’_none’] Name of the filter to transform fields before applying other filters. A short-cut to use for simple cases where a variant is an overkill.

      • variant : [string=’’] Board variant to apply.

  • type : ‘copy_files’

  • category : [string|list(string)=’’] The category for this output. If not specified an internally defined category is used. Categories looks like file system paths, i.e. PCB/fabrication/gerber. The categories are currently used for navigate_results.

  • disable_run_by_default : [string|boolean] Use it to disable the run_by_default status of other output. Useful when this output extends another and you don’t want to generate the original. Use the boolean true value to disable the output you are extending.

  • extends : [string=’’] Copy the options section from the indicated output. Used to inherit options from another output of the same type.

  • groups : [string|list(string)=’’] One or more groups to add this output. In order to catch typos we recommend to add outputs only to existing groups. You can create an empty group if needed.

  • output_id : [string=’’] Text to use for the %I expansion content. To differentiate variations of this output.

  • priority : [number=11] [0,100] Priority for this output. High priority outputs are created first. Internally we use 10 for low priority, 90 for high priority and 50 for most outputs.

  • run_by_default : [boolean=true] When enabled this output will be created when no specific outputs are requested.